School Hours
Arrival/ Dismissal:
Grades 3K – PreK: 8:00am – 2:20pm
Grades K – 5: 8:00am – 2:20pm

3K: All 3K students will enter the main entrance in front of the school and take the student(s) directly to their classrooms for Sign-In.
Pre-Kindergarten: All pre-kindergarten students will enter through the main entrance at the front of the school for morning arrivals. They will line up on the gym.
Kindergarten—Fifth Grade: All students' grades kindergarten through five will enter through the schoolyard and head into the cafeteria.

3K - Pre-Kindergarten: All students parents will enter through the main entrance and pick up in the Cafeteria.
Kindergarten - Third Grade: Students will be dismissed from the School Backyard, weather permitted. Grades Kindergarten - Second will line up against the Annex Mini Building and the Third Grade will line up at the start of the Mural.
Fourth — Fifth Grade: Students will be dismissed from the gymnasium exit 2. The exit is to the left of the school entrance

Attendance and Lateness
Coming to school every day and coming to school on time is essential for academic success. Studies show that there is a direct correlation between good attendance, being on time and good grades. Students with 100% attendance for the month will be given a certificate along with some small prizes. The classes with the highest percent of attendance each month will be treated to a pizza party and have their class displayed on our Attendance board.
It is important for all children to arrive on time. School begins at 8:00 AM, Students who arrive once the gate is closed at 8:01AM are considered late!
Children arriving after 8:01AM must enter through the main entrance located on Franklin Avenue.
Early Pick-Up
We understand that appointments are made, and emergencies happen. There may be times that you have to pick your child up early. If a parent of guardian must pick their child up early, you must pick the student up by 2:00pm. Students will not be released after 2:00pm. If you child has a doctor’s appointment, please be sure to communicate with the school the morning of the appointment to notify the school that the child will be picked up early. If there is an emergency and you will not make it to the school by 2:00pm, please call by 1:30pm so that we can have your child ready for your arrival.
Inclement Weather Procedure
During arrivals, if there is inclement weather, students in grades kindergarten through five will still arrive through the backyard and will be directed to the Cafeteria to be seated until they are picked up by the classroom teacher.
During Dismissal, Students will be separated by grade and taken to the Auditorium and/ or the Gymnasium. A staff member will be posted at the entrances to direct families to designated pick-up areas.
Please make all necessary arrangements for your child to be picked-up promptly at 2:20 PM. In the case of an emergency where you are delayed, please contact the main office immediately to advise the staff.
(718-589-3058 Ext #0)