Welcome to the Student & Parent Resource page
Below you will find important links to important websites, information and resources that you will need access to in order to have a successful school year.
Links & Resources
NYC Schools Accounts is the new on-line tool for parents. A letter will be distributed to all families. Your child's OSIS ID# and a unique temporary password allows you to add your child to your account so that you may have access to their academic records. Click on the button below to visit the NYCSA webpage.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a community of teachers and families who share kids’ most important learning moments in school and at home—through photos, videos, messages & more.
Students will receive a Class Code from their teacher. Please be sure to register. Click on the button below.
Discipline Code
The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning.
Click on the button below to explore the NYC DOE Discipline Code and Expectations.
NYC Kids Rise
College Fund
The NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program is a scholarship and savings program designed for all NYC public school students, starting in kindergarten—regardless of their family’s income or immigration status.
Click on the button to learn more.
Student Transportation
Please click on the button below to review important information regarding your child's transportation eligibility, metro cards, delays and bus company information.
If your child is already receiving transportation, you can find information regarding delays. You can also find contact information for all bus companies.
Parent Bill of Rights
Each child’s potential can best be achieved through a partnership between parents and the education community.
To support active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certain rights and responsibilities. Please click the button below to review the Parent Bill of Rights and what that means for you.
P.S. 63x Parent Handbook
The parent handbook is a summary of everything you need to know, in order to have a successful school year.
Every family will receive a copy of this handbook at the beginning of the year. Please review and familiarize yourself with the Parent Handbook.
Please click on the button below to review.
Media Consent Form
We Love to see our little ones smile, celebrate, and experience wonder, and we love to capture and share those moments with you.
Please download and fill out the following Media Consent Form so that we may have permission to share the very special moments our students have here, at P.S. 63!
Walk Home Alone Form
Below you will find a fillable Walk Home Alone form.
If you would like your child to be released without an adult at dismissal, this form must be filled out and returned to the schools. All siblings to be released with the student are to be listed on the from.
Google Classroom
Most of our Teachers have continued to use Google Classroom as an easy way to do homework digitally along with providing families with resources that they can access from any electronic device.
Click the button below to go to Google Classroom. You must Login with your child's NYCStudent.net email and password through google.
STH Website
This is a guide to navigating New York City’s public services. It was made with and for families of students living in temporary housing or experiencing homelessness and the NYC Department of Education’s Office of Students in Temporary Housing (STH).
School Policy & Procedure
Please click on the arrows to view all of the slides. You will find important information regarding various school rules, policies and procedures.
Cellphone use by any students is prohibited throughout the building and school grounds. If a student is caught using their cellphone, it will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day. If cellphone use is used to violate and school rules or otherwise misused in any manor to hurt, harm, or record any other students without their permission, the cellphone will be confiscated and returned to the parent/ guardian. The cellphone should remain off school grounds.